Abstract. We study face vectors of barycentric subdivisions of simplicial homology manifolds. Recently, Kubitzke and Nevo proved that the g-vector of the barycentric subdivision of...
We consider the following network design problem. We are given an undirected network with costs on the edges, a set of terminals, and an upper bound for each terminal limiting the ...
Samuel Fiorini, Gianpaolo Oriolo, Laura Sanit&agra...
We prove that if T is a tree on n vertices with maximum degree and the edge probability p(n) satisfies: np C max{ log n, n } for some constant > 0, then with high probability...
We investigate algebraic structures that can be placed on vertices of the multiplihedra, a family of polytopes originating in the study of higher categories and homotopy theory. Mo...
Every 3-graph in which no four vertices are independent and no four vertices span precisely three edges must have edge density 4/9(1 - o(1)). This bound is tight. The proof is a r...
A d-simplex is a collection of d + 1 sets such that every d of them have non-empty intersection and the intersection of all of them is empty. A strong d-simplex is a collection of...
We revisit the problem of pursuit-evasion in a grid introduced by Sugihara and Suzuki in the lineof-sight vision model. Consider an arbitrary evader Z with the maximum speed of 1 ...
Adrian Dumitrescu, Howi Kok, Ichiro Suzuki, Pawel ...