We describe a deterministic model of packet delay and use it to derive both the packet pair [2] property of FIFO-queueing networks and a new technique (packet tailgating) for acti...
This paper examines the latency in Internet path failure, failover and repair due to the convergence properties of interdomain routing. Unlike switches in the public telephony net...
This paper proposes GIA, a scalable architecture for global IPanycast. Existing designs for providing IP-anycast must either globally distribute routes to individual anycast group...
This paper proposes a mechanism for equation-based congestion control for unicast traffic. Most best-effort traffic in the current Internet is well-served by the dominant transp...
Sally Floyd, Mark Handley, Jitendra Padhye, Jö...
We study the effects of RED on the performance of Web browsing with a novel aspect of our work being the use of a usercentric measure of performance — response time for HTTP req...
Mikkel Christiansen, Kevin Jeffay, David Ott, F. D...
In this paper, we present a model for TCP/IP ow control mechanism. The rate at which data is transmitted increases linearly in time until a packet loss is detected. At that point,...
Eitan Altman, Konstantin Avrachenkov, Chadi Baraka...
The traditional approach to implementing admission control, as exemplified by the Integrated Services proposal in the IETF, uses a signalling protocol to establish reservations a...
Lee Breslau, Edward W. Knightly, Scott Shenker, Io...