Building distributed applications for data centers is hard. CamCube explores whether replacing the traditional switchbased network with a directly connected topology makes it easi...
Hussam Abu-Libdeh, Paolo Costa, Antony I. T. Rowst...
Security functions such as access control, encryption and authentication are typically left up to applications on the modern Internet. There is no unified system to implement thes...
SSL/TLS is a standard protocol for secure Internet communication. Despite its great success, today's SSL deployment is largely limited to security-critical domains. The low a...
Keon Jang, Sangjin Han, Seungyeop Han, Sue B. Moon...
Networks continue to change to support new applications, improve reliability and performance and reduce the operational cost. The changes are made to the network in the form of up...
Ajay Anil Mahimkar, Han Hee Song, Zihui Ge, Aman S...
IP address lookup is a challenging problem due to the increasing routing table size, and higher line rate. This paper investigates a new way to build an efficient IP lookup scheme...
Online microblogging services, as exemplified by Twitter, have become immensely popular during the latest years. However, current microblogging systems severely suffer from perfor...
In this demo, we present Ripcord, a modular platform for rapidly prototyping scale-out data center networks. Ripcord enables researchers to build and evaluate new network features...
Brandon Heller, David Erickson, Nick McKeown, Rean...
In response to high-profile Internet outages, BGP security variants have been proposed to prevent the propagation of bogus routing information. To inform discussions of which vari...
Sharon Goldberg, Michael Schapira, Peter Hummon, J...
SideJacking occurs when an attacker intercepts a session cookie and uses it to impersonate a user and gain unauthorized access to a web-based service. To prevent SideJacking, a se...
Ryan D. Riley, Nada Mohammed Ali, Kholoud Saleh Al...