Spoken dialogue management strategy optimization by means of Reinforcement Learning (RL) is now part of the state of the art. Yet, there is still a clear mismatch between the comp...
We present new results from a real-user evaluation of a data-driven approach to learning user-adaptive referring expression generation (REG) policies for spoken dialogue systems. ...
This paper presents a comparison of two similar dialogue analysis tasks: segmenting real-life medical team meetings into patient case discussions, and segmenting scenario-based me...
Temporal analysis of events is a central problem in computational models of discourse. However, correctly recognizing temporal aspects of events poses serious challenges. This pap...
Eun Y. Ha, Alok Baikadi, Carlyle Licata, Bradford ...
This paper presents a spoken dialogue framework that helps users in making decisions. Users often do not have a definite goal or criteria for selecting from a list of alternatives...
We investigate the clarification strategies exhibited by a hybrid POMDP dialog manager based on data obtained from a phone-based user study. The dialog manager combines task struc...
Sebastian Varges, Silvia Quarteroni, Giuseppe Ricc...
The Workbench for Intelligent exploraTion of Human ComputeR conversaTions is a new platform-independent open-source workbench designed for the analysis, mining and management of l...