A simple, fast, and approximate voxel-based approach to 6DOF haptic rendering is presented. It can reliably sustain a 1000 Hz haptic refresh rate without resorting to asynchronous...
William A. McNeely, Kevin D. Puterbaugh, James J. ...
We present a new particle-based surface representation with which a user can interactively sculpt free-form surfaces. The particles maintain mesh connectivity and operate under ru...
Lee Markosian, Jonathan M. Cohen, Thomas Crulli, J...
This paper presents a technique for adapting existing motion of a human-like character to have the desired features that are specified by a set of constraints. This problem can b...
We present a new method for user controlled morphing of two homeomorphic triangle meshes of arbitrary topology. In particular we focus on the problem of establishing a corresponde...
Aaron W. F. Lee, David P. Dobkin, Wim Sweldens, Pe...
Artists and illustrators can evoke the complexity of fur or vegetation with relatively few well-placed strokes. We present an algorithm that uses strokes to render 3D computer gra...
Michael A. Kowalski, Lee Markosian, J. D. Northrup...
We present an algorithm for fast, physically accurate simulation of deformable objects suitable for real time animation and virtual environment interaction. We describe the bounda...
Antialiasing of ray traced images is typically performed by supersampling the image plane. While this type of filtering works well for many algorithms, it is much more efficient t...
We present a sketching interface for quickly and easily designing freeform models such as stuffed animals and other rotund objects. The user draws several 2D freeform strokes inte...
Bus traffic between the graphics subsystem and memory can become a bottleneck when rendering geometrically complex meshes. In this paper, we investigate the use of vertex caching...
With fast 3D graphics becoming more and more available even on low end platforms, the focus in hardware-accelerated rendering is beginning to shift towards higher quality renderin...