We organized a workshop at SIGIR'01 to explore the area of information retrieval techniques for speech applications. Here we summarize the results of that workshop
This paper addresses the problem of extending an adaptive information filtering system to make decisions about the novelty and redundancy of relevant documents. It argues that rel...
The optimal settings of retrieval parameters often depend on both the document collection and the query, and are usually found through empirical tuning. In this paper, we propose ...
A novel method for simultaneous keyphrase extraction and generic text summarization is proposed by modeling text documents as weighted undirected and weighted bipartite graphs. Sp...
This work evaluates a few search strategies for Arabic monolingual and cross-lingual retrieval, using the TREC Arabic corpus as the test-bed. The release by NIST in 2001 of an Ara...
In this paper, we present the AutoCat system for product classification. AutoCat uses a vector space model, modified to consider product attributes unavailable in traditional docu...
In this paper we present an evaluation of techniques that are designed to encourage web searchers to interact more with the results of a web search. Two specific techniques are ex...