Structural hints in XML-retrieval queries can be used to specify both the granularity of the search result (the target element) and where in a document to search (support elements...
Pseudo-relevance feedback has proven to be an effective strategy for improving retrieval accuracy in all retrieval models. However the performance of existing pseudo feedback meth...
Classical query expansion techniques such as the local context analysis (LCA) make use of term co-occurrence statistics to incorporate additional contextual terms for enhancing pa...
We propose that the information access behavior of a group of people can be modeled as an information flow issue, in which people intentionally or unintentionally influence and in...
Xiaodan Song, Belle L. Tseng, Ching-Yung Lin, Ming...
We hypothesized that language modeling retrieval would improve if we reduced the need for document smoothing to provide an inverse document frequency (IDF) like effect. We create...
Search systems have for some time provided users with the ability to request documents similar to a given document. Interfaces provide this feature via a link or button for each d...