Finding topic experts on microblogging sites with millions of users, such as Twitter, is a hard and challenging problem. In this paper, we propose and investigate a new methodolog...
The detection and improvement of low-quality information is a key concern in Web applications that are based on user-generated content; a popular example is the online encyclopedi...
With its close ties to the Web, the IR community is destined to leverage the dissemination and collaboration capabilities that the Web provides today. Especially with the advent o...
Many techniques for improving search result quality have been proposed. Typically, these techniques increase average effectiveness by devising advanced ranking features and/or by...
Lidan Wang, Paul N. Bennett, Kevyn Collins-Thompso...
We give a fresh look into score normalization for merging result-lists, isolating the problem from other components. We focus on three of the simplest, practical, and widelyused l...
In crowdsourced relevance judging, each crowd worker typically judges only a small number of examples, yielding a sparse and imbalanced set of judgments in which relatively few wo...
Exploratory search, in which a user investigates complex concepts, is cumbersome with today’s search engines. We present a new exploratory search approach that generates interac...
Brent Hecht, Samuel Carton, Mahmood Quaderi, Johan...
We consider the task of suggesting related queries to users after they issue their initial query to a web search engine. We propose a machine learning approach to learn the probab...