Dictionary learning through matrix factorization has become widely popular for performing music transcription and source separation. These methods learn a concise set of dictionar...
Steven K. Tjoa, Matthew C. Stamm, W. Sabrina Lin, ...
Given a set of data points drawn from multiple low-dimensional linear subspaces of a high-dimensional space, we consider the problem of clustering these points according to the su...
In this paper, we consider the problem of quantifying synchrony between multiple simultaneously recorded electroencephalographic signals. These signals exhibit nonlinear dependenc...
Satish G. Iyengar, Justin Dauwels, Pramod K. Varsh...
We propose a framework for modeling, analysis, annotation and synthesis of multi-modal dance performances. We analyze correlations between music features and dance figure labels ...
Ferda Ofli, Engin Erzin, Yucel Yemez, A. Murat Tek...
This paper investigates syntactic and sub-lexical features in Turkish discriminative language models (DLMs). DLM is a featurebased language modeling approach. It reranks the ASR o...
Ebru Arisoy, Murat Saraclar, Brian Roark, Izhak Sh...
An auditory-based feature extraction algorithm is presented. The feature is based on a recently published time-frequency transform plus a set of modules to simulate the signal pro...
In order to structure a gene network, a score-based approach is often used. A score-based approach, however, is problematic because by assuming a probability distribution, one is ...
Scanned halftone images are degraded for the presence of screen patterns. It’s a challenge to automatically detect the halftone images and remove the noises on the fly. This pap...
Given a set of monophonic, harmonic sound sources (e.g. human voices or wind instruments), multi-pitch estimation (MPE) is the task of determining the instantaneous pitches of eac...