One problem in concatenative speech synthesis is how to incorporate prosodic factors in the unit selection. Imposing a predicted prosodic target is error-prone and does not benefi...
We present a speech pre-processing scheme (SPPS) for robust speech recognition in the moving motorcycle environment. The SPPS is dynamically adapted during the run-time operation ...
We consider the task of under-determined reverberant audio source separation. We model the contribution of each source to all mixture channels in the time-frequency domain as a ze...
Named Entity (NE) recognition from the results of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is challenging because of ASR errors. To detect NEs, one of the options is to use a statistica...
Stereo audio enhancement and upmixing techniques require spatial analysis of the mixture in order to work optimally for different types of contents. In this paper a method is prop...
The purpose of this paper is to develop parameter transformation strategies that improve the accuracy of the Variational Bayes (VB) approximation. The idea is to find a transform...
This paper introduces a new algorithm for reconstructing signals with sparse spectrums from noisy compressive measurements. The proposed model-based algorithm takes the signal str...
Rain removal from a video is a challenging problem and has been recently investigated extensively. Nevertheless, the problem of rain removal from a single image has been rarely st...
In this work a systematic methodology is presented to design optimum chip pulse shapes for DS-CDMA systems for timing synchronization. A nonlinear bi-objective problem with additi...
For Rayleigh/Rician statistics at the decision device, the probability of correct decision in the forced choice (FC) hypothesis test is given in terms of a closed-form finite ser...