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Theproblemofsortingsignedpermutationsbyreversalsisinspiredbygenomerearrangementproblemsincomputationalmolecular biology. Given two genomes represented as signed permutations of th...
By introducing the notion of relative derangements of type B, also called signed relative derangements, which are defined in terms of signed permutations, we obtain a type B anal...
Sorting signed permutations by reversals is a fundamental problem in computationial molecular biology. In this paper we present an improved algorithm for sorting by reversals. Our...
As more and more genomes are sequenced, evolutionary biologists are becoming increasingly interested in evolution at the level of whole genomes, in scenarios in which the genome ev...
Mark Marron, Krister M. Swenson, Bernard M. E. Mor...
Abstract. This paper presents an elementary proof of the HannenhalliPevzner theorem on the reversal distance of two signed permutations. It uses a single PQ-tree to encode the vari...
—We propose new algorithms for computing pairwise rearrangement scenarios that conserve the combinatorial structure of genomes. More precisely, we investigate the problem of sort...
A sequence of reversals that takes a signed permutation to the identity is perfect if it preserves all common intervals between the permutation and the identity. The problem of com...