Modern chip-level multiprocessors (CMPs) contain multiple processor cores sharing a common last-level cache, memory interconnects, and other hardware resources. Workloads running ...
Richard West, Puneet Zaroo, Carl A. Waldspurger, X...
In order to be economically feasible and to offer high levels of availability and performance, large scale distributed systems depend on the automation of repair services. While t...
We introduce SelfTalk, a novel declarative language that allows users to query and understand the status of a large scale system. SelfTalk is sufficiently expressive to encode an ...
Finding an efficient configuration for cluster-based multi-tier Internet services is often a difficult task. Moreover, even a good configuration could become obsolete, depending o...
This paper highlights the growing importance of storage energy consumption in a typical data center, and asserts that storage energy research should drive towards a vision of ener...
Jorge Guerra, Wendy Belluomini, Joseph S. Glider, ...
Gossip-based protocols are commonly used for diffusing information in large-scale distributed applications. GO (Gossip Objects) is a per-node gossip platform that we developed in...
Ymir Vigfusson, Ken Birman, Qi Huang, Deepak P. Na...
System logs come in a large and evolving variety of formats, many of which are semi-structured and/or non-standard. As a consequence, off-the-shelf tools for processing such logs ...
The file system is one of the most critical components of the operating system. Almost all applications running in the operating system require file systems to be available for ...