
275views Hardware» more  SIGPRO 2011»
13 years 5 months ago
Synthesis of multivariate stationary series with prescribed marginal distributions and covariance using circulant matrix embeddi
The problem of synthesizing multivariate stationary series Y [n] = (Y1[n], . . . , YP [n])T , n ∈ Z, with prescribed non-Gaussian marginal distributions, and a targeted covarian...
Hannes Helgason, Vladas Pipiras, Patrice Abry
249views Hardware» more  SIGPRO 2011»
13 years 5 months ago
Extracting biometric binary strings with minimal area under the FRR curve for the hamming distance classifier
Quantizing real-valued templates into binary strings is a fundamental step in biometric compression and template protection. In this paper, we introduce the area under the FRR cur...
C. Chen, R. Veldhuis
229views Hardware» more  SIGPRO 2011»
13 years 10 months ago
Fast and exact synthesis of stationary multivariate Gaussian time series using circulant embedding
A fast and exact procedure for the numerical synthesis of stationary multivariate Gaussian time series with a priori prescribed and well controlled autoand cross-covariance functi...
Hannes Helgason, Vladas Pipiras, Patrice Abry
201views Hardware» more  SIGPRO 2011»
13 years 10 months ago
Structured total least squares approach for efficient frequency estimation
Frankie K. W. Chan, H. C. So, W. H. Lau, Cheung-Fa...
220views Hardware» more  SIGPRO 2011»
13 years 10 months ago
Random-order fractional differential equation models
Hongguang Sun, Yangquan Chen, Wen Chen
209views Hardware» more  SIGPRO 2011»
13 years 10 months ago
Surveying and comparing simultaneous sparse approximation (or group-lasso) algorithms
In this paper, we survey and compare different algorithms that, given an overcomplete dictionary of elementary functions, solve the problem of simultaneous sparse signal approxim...
A. Rakotomamonjy