We consider the decision problem for cases of first-order temporal logic with function symbols and without equality. The monadic monodic fragment with flexible functions can be dec...
Fuzzy logics are in most cases based on an ad-hoc decision about the interpretation of the conjunction. If they are useful or not can typically be found out only by testing them wi...
A generic format for adaptive vague logics is presented. The concrete adaptive vague logics based on this format are able to (1) identify sentences as vague or non-vague in the con...
We give a brief account of some de Finetti style representation theorems for probability functions satisfying Spectrum Exchangeability in Polyadic Inductive Logic, together with ap...
In the paper we explore the idea of describing Pawlak's rough sets using three-valued logic, whereby the value t corresponds to the positive region of a set, the value f -- to...
In this paper we define a new notion of frame based formulas. We show that the well-known examples of formulas arising from a finite frame, such as the Jankov-de Jongh formulas, s...
Sharvy's puzzle concerns a situation in which common knowledge of two parties is obtained by repeated observation each of the other, no fixed point being reached in finite ti...
The work on prototypes in ontologies pioneered by Rosch [10] and elaborated by Lakoff [8] and Freund [3] is related to vagueness in the sense that the more remote an instance is fr...