
111views more  AUTOMATICA 2010»
14 years 10 days ago
Connection between cooperative positive systems and integral input-to-state stability of large-scale systems
We consider a class of continuous-time cooperative systems evolving on the positive orthant Rn +. We show that if the origin is globally attractive, then it is also globally stabl...
Björn Rüffer, Christopher M. Kellett, St...
124views more  SCL 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
ISDS small-gain theorem and construction of ISDS Lyapunov functions for interconnected systems
We consider networks of input-to-state dynamically stable (ISDS) systems and use a small-gain condition to assure the ISDS property for their interconnection. Under this small-gai...
Sergey Dashkovskiy, Lars Naujok