
98views more  JAMIA 2011»
13 years 5 months ago
Mapping clinical phenotype data elements to standardized metadata repositories and controlled terminologies: the eMERGE Network
Background Systematic study of clinical phenotypes is important for a better understanding of the genetic basis of human diseases and more effective gene-based disease management....
Jyotishman Pathak, Janey Wang, Sudha Kashyap, Meli...
14 years 4 months ago
Essential SNOMED: Simplifying SNOMED-CT and supporting Integration with Health Information Models
SNOMED CT (SCT) has been designed and implemented in an era when health computer systems generally required terminology representations in the form of singular precoordinated conc...
Peter MacIsaac, Donald Walker, Rachel L. Richesson...
14 years 4 months ago
Debugging SNOMED CT Using Axiom Pinpointing in the Description Logic EL+
Snomed ct is a large-scale medical ontology, which is developed using a variant of the inexpressive Description Logic EL. Description Logic reasoning can not only be used to compu...
Franz Baader, Boontawee Suntisrivaraporn