In this note we describe a general technique for making treestructured dynamic dictionaries adapt to be competitive with the most efficient implementation, by using potential ener...
The location of facilities in order to provide service for customers is a well-studied problem in the operations research literature. In the basic model, there is a predefined cos...
We consider the problem of restructuring an ordered binary tree T , preserving the in-order sequence of its nodes, so as to reduce its height to some target value h. Such a restru...
: k-SAT is one of the best known among a wide class of random constraint satisfaction problems believed to exhibit a threshold phenomenon where the control parameter is the ratio, ...
We discuss the problem of optimally "finishing" a partially sequenced, reconstructed DNA segment. At first sight, this appears to be computationally hard. We construct a...
We address the problem of minimizing the communication involved in the exchange of similar documents. We consider two users, A and B, who hold documents x and y respectively. Neit...
We study the edge-disjoint escape problem in grids. Given a set of n sources in a two-dimensional grid, the problem is to connect all sources to the grid boundary using a set of n...