We resolve two long-standing open problems in distributed computation by describing polylogarithmic protocols for Byzantine agreement and leader election in the asynchronous full ...
Bruce M. Kapron, David Kempe, Valerie King, Jared ...
We present a simple randomized algorithmic framework for connected facility location problems. The basic idea is as follows: We run a black-box approximation algorithm for the unc...
Friedrich Eisenbrand, Fabrizio Grandoni, Thomas Ro...
We analyze several distributed, continuous time protocols for a fair allocation of bandwidths to flows in a network (or resources to agents). Our protocols converge to an allocati...
The problem of maximizing a concave function f(x) in a simplex S can be solved approximately by a simple greedy algorithm. For given k, the algorithm can find a point x(k) on a k-...
We present a method to maintain a mesh approximating a deforming surface, which is specified by a dense set of sample points. We identify a reasonable motion model for which a pro...
A Steiner star for a set P of n points in Rd connects an arbitrary point in Rd to all points of P, while a star connects one of the points in P to the remaining n - 1 points of P....