
95views more  INFSOF 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Characterizing software architecture changes: A systematic review
With today’s ever increasing demands on software, software developers must produce software that can be changed without the risk of degrading the software architecture. One way ...
Byron J. Williams, Jeffrey C. Carver
131views more  INFORMATICALT 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Extended Software Architecture Based on Security Patterns
One of the major activities in software design is defining software architecture. Before designing software structure and software behavior we have to define its architecture. In...
Dusan Savic, Dejan Simic, Sinisa Vlajic
97views more  ESI 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
A flexible streaming software architecture for scientific instruments
The recently completed prototyping efforts for a new type of riometer, the Advanced Rio-Imaging Experiment in Scandinavia (ARIES), required the development of a uniquely flexible s...
Martin Grill, Keith Barratt, Farideh Honary
14 years 2 months ago
A software architecture for ontology-driven situation awareness
Human operators of large-scale control systems face the problem of information overload induced by the large amount of information provided by multiple heterogeneous and highlydyn...
Norbert Baumgartner, Werner Retschitzegger, Wielan...
122views more  TVCG 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
A Generic Rendering System
Jürgen Döllner, Klaus Hinrichs
118views more  TOSEM 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Modeling software architectures in the Unified Modeling Language
Abstract. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a family of design notations that is rapidly becoming a de facto standard software design language. UML provides a variety of usefu...
Nenad Medvidovic, David S. Rosenblum, David F. Red...
131views more  JSS 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Experiences with ALMA: Architecture-Level Modifiability Analysis
Modifiability is an important quality for software systems, because a large part of the costs associated with these systems is spent on modifications. The effort, and therefore co...
Nico H. Lassing, PerOlof Bengtsson, Hans van Vliet...
84views more  JSS 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
The impact of component architectures on interoperability
Component interoperability has become an important concern as companies migrate legacy systems, integrate COTS products, and assemble modules from disparate sources into a single ...
Leigh A. Davis, Rose F. Gamble, Jamie Payton
108views more  INFSOF 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Architectural styles for distributed processing systems and practical selection method
The software architecture of a system has influences against various software characteristics of the system such as efficiency, reliability, maintainability, and etc.. For support...
Yoshitomi Morisawa, Katsuro Inoue, Koji Torii
14 years 2 months ago
Experiences with an Interactive Museum Tour-Guide Robot
This article describes the software architecture of an autonomous, interactive tour-guide robot. It presents a modular, distributed software architecture, which integrates localiz...
Wolfram Burgard, Armin B. Cremers, Dieter Fox, Dir...