We give a deterministic O(log n)n -time and space algorithm for the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) of a lattice under any norm, improving on the previous best deterministic nO(n) -...
—On a stream of two dimensional data items (x, y) where x is an item identifier, and y is a numerical attribute, a correlated aggregate query requires us to first apply a selec...
We consider the problem of identifying periodic trends in data streams. We say a signal a ∈ Rn is p-periodic if ai = ai+p for all i ∈ [n − p]. Recently, Erg¨un et al. [4] pr...
We give an O(n2 m + nm2 + m2 log m) time and O(n2 + m2 ) space algorithm for finding the shortest traveling salesman tour through the vertices of two simple polygonal obstacles i...
We investigate algorithmic questions that arise in the statistical problem of computing lines or hyperplanes of maximum regression depth among a set of n points. We work primarily...
Marc J. van Kreveld, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Peter ...