A challenging problem of multi-label learning is that both the label space and the model complexity will grow rapidly with the increase in the number of labels, and thus makes the...
We propose an online algorithm based on local sparse representation for robust object tracking. Local image patches of a target object are represented by their sparse codes with a...
Sparse representation based classification has led to interesting image recognition results, while the dictionary used for sparse coding plays a key role in it. This paper present...
As a recently proposed technique, sparse representation based classification (SRC) has been widely used for face recognition (FR). SRC first codes a testing sample as a sparse lin...
This paper proposes a novel sparse representation model called centralized sparse representation (CSR) for image restoration tasks. In order for faithful image reconstruction, it ...
We present an approach for dictionary learning of action attributes via information maximization. We unify the class distribution and appearance information into an objective func...
This paper presents a novel framework for recognition of facial action unit (AU) combinations by viewing the classification as a sparse representation problem. Based on this framew...
Mohammad H. Mahoor, Mu Zhou, Kevin L. Veon, Seyed ...
A collaborative framework for detecting the different sources in mixed signals is presented in this paper. The approach is based on CHiLasso, a convex collaborative hierarchical s...
Sparse representations of signals have received a great deal of attention in recent years, and the sparse representation classifier has very lately appeared in a speaker recogniti...
Jia Min Karen Kua, Eliathamby Ambikairajah, Julien...
When seeking a sparse representation of a signal on a redundant basis, one might want to convey available a priori information on the observations to the optimization criterion. I...