Since a large number of clustering algorithms exist, aggregating different clustered partitions into a single consolidated one to obtain better results has become an important pro...
In this paper we investigate the use of data driven clustering methods for functional connectivity analysis in fMRI. In particular, we consider the K-Means and Spectral Clustering...
Archana Venkataraman, Koene R. A. Van Dijk, Randy ...
Image-analysis methods play an important role in helping detect brain changes in and diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). In this paper, we propose an automatic unsupervised...
Clustering aims to find useful hidden structures in data. In this paper we present a new clustering algorithm that builds upon the consistency method (Zhou,, 2003), a semi-...
We propose a family of clustering algorithms based on the maximization of dependence between the input variables and their cluster labels, as expressed by the Hilbert-Schmidt Inde...
Le Song, Alexander J. Smola, Arthur Gretton, Karst...
The clustering-based approach for detecting abnormalities in surveillance video requires the appropriate definition of similarity between events. The HMM-based similarity defined ...
This paper studies automatic segmentation of multiple
motions from tracked feature points through spectral embedding
and clustering of linear subspaces. We show that
the dimensi...
The code is a (good, in my opinion) implementation of a segmentation engine based on normalised cuts (a spectral clustering algorithm) and a pixel affinity matrix calculation algor...