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Abstract. This paper proposes a 4-dimensional software product family engineering evaluation framework. The four dimensions relate to the software engineering concerns of business,...
Frank van der Linden, Jan Bosch, Erik Kamsties, Ka...
Abstract. A production plan, which describes how core assets are used to develop products, has an important role in product line engineering as a communication medium between core ...
The problem of managing the evolution of complex and large software systems is well known. Evolution implies reuse and modification of existing software artifacts, and this means t...
We study the generative development of control programs for families of embedded devices. A software family is described by a single common model and restriction specifications for...
In this paper, we present a methodology to express, in a formal way, the requirements of products belonging to a product line. We relied on a formalism allowing the representation ...
Alessandro Fantechi, Stefania Gnesi, Giuseppe Lami...
This paper elaborates on the coordination and management of evolving software product-lines, where development teams work around a shared and reusable domain infrastructure. The tr...
A fundamental reason for investing in product families is to minimize the application engineering costs. Several organizations that employ product families, however, are becoming i...
A key aspect of variability management in software product families is the explicit representation of the variability. Experiences at several industrial software development compan...
Marco Sinnema, Sybren Deelstra, Jos Nijhuis, Jan B...
Feature modeling is an important approach to capturing commonalities and variabilities in system families and product lines. In this paper, we propose a cardinality-based notation ...
Krzysztof Czarnecki, Simon Helsen, Ulrich W. Eisen...
Abstract. This paper considers the use of a state-of-the-art, generalpurpose, component programming language, specifically ArchJava, to implement software product lines. Component ...