
14 years 1 months ago
A Spoken Dialogue Interface to a Geologist's Field Assistant
We will demonstrate a spoken dialogue interface to a Geologist’s Field Assistant that is being developed as part of NASA’s Mobile Agents project. The assistant consists of a r...
John Dowding, James Hieronymus
14 years 1 months ago
A Spoken Dialogue Interface for TV Operations based on Data Collected by using WOZ Method
The development of multi-channel digital broadcasting has generated a demand not only for new services but also for smart and highly functional capabilities in all broadcast-relat...
Jun Goto, Yeun-Bae Kim, Masaru Miyazaki, Kazuteru ...
14 years 1 months ago
Bayes Risk-based Dialogue Management for Document Retrieval System with Speech Interface
We propose an efficient dialogue management for an information navigation system based on a document knowledge base with a spoken dialogue interface. In order to perform robustly ...
Teruhisa Misu, Tatsuya Kawahara