
86views more  SCL 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
Stability radii for positive linear time-invariant systems on time scales
We deal with dynamic equations on time scales, where we characterize the positivity of a system. Uniform exponential stability of a system is determined by the spectrum of its mat...
T. S. Doan, A. Kalauch, Stefan Siegmund, Fabian Wi...
137views more  ORL 1998»
14 years 3 days ago
Calculation of stability radii for combinatorial optimization problems
We present algorithms to calculate the stability radius of optimal or approximate solutions of binary programming problems with a min sum or min max objective function. Our algori...
Nilotpal Chakravarti, Albert P. M. Wagelmans
89views more  SIAMCO 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
Stability Radius and Internal Versus External Stability in Banach Spaces: An Evolution Semigroup Approach
In this paper the theory of evolution semigroups is developed and used to provide a framework to study the stability of general linear control systems. These include autonomous and...
Stephen Clark, Yuri Latushkin, Stephen Montgomery-...