—Natural languages like English are rich, complex, and powerful. The highly creative and graceful use of languages like English and Tamil, by masters like Shakespeare and Avvaiya...
Abram Hindle, Earl T. Barr, Zhendong Su, Mark Gabe...
Traditional information retrieval techniques based on keyword search help to identify a ranked set of relevant documents, which often contains many documents in the top ranks that...
Large knowledge bases consisting of entities and relationships between them have become vital sources of information for many applications. Most of these knowledge bases adopt the...
Spoken queries are a natural medium for searching the Web in settings where typing on a keyboard is not practical. This paper describes a speech interface to the Google search eng...
Statistical language models can learn relationships between topics discussed in a document collection and persons, organizations and places mentioned in each document. We present a...
David Newman, Chaitanya Chemudugunta, Padhraic Smy...
We describe the use of energy function optimisation in very shallow syntactic parsing. The approach can use linguistic rules and corpus-based statistics, so the strengths of both ...
This paper compares two different ways of estimating statistical language models. Many statistical NLP tagging and parsing models are estimated by maximizing the (joint) likelihoo...
We present an approach to MT between Turkic languages and present results from an implementation of a MT system from Turkmen to Turkish. Our approach relies on ambiguous lexical a...
In recent years, statistical language models are being proposed as alternative to the vector space model. Viewing documents as language samples introduces the issue of defining a...