The terminal Steiner tree problem (TST) consists of finding a minimum cost Steiner tree where each terminal is a leaf. We describe a factor 2ρ−ρ/(3ρ−2) approximation algor...
Abstract. In this paper we introduce a new technique for approximation schemes for geometrical optimization problems. As an example problem, we consider the following variant of th...
We present a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for the Steiner tree problem with polygonal obstacles in the plane with running time O(n log2 n), where n denotes the numb...
Given an undirected graph with weights associated with its edges, the Steiner tree problem consists of finding a minimum weight subtree spanning a given subset of (terminal) nodes...
Abstract. The node-weighted Steiner tree problem is a variation of classical Steiner minimum tree problem. Given a graph G = (V, E) with node weight function C : V → R+ and a sub...
Xianyue Li, Xiao-Hua Xu, Feng Zou, Hongwei Du, Pen...
We consider robust network design problems where the set of feasible demands may be given by an arbitrary polytope or convex body more generally. This model, introduced by BenAmeu...
A common approach to performing keyword search over relational databases is to find the minimum Steiner trees in database graphs. These methods, however, are rather expensive as th...
Increasing prevalence of large-scale distributed monitoring and computing environments such as sensor networks, scientific federations, Grids etc., has led to a renewed interest in...