We consider the problem of efficient information retrieval in asymmetric communication environments where multiple clients with limited resources retrieve information from a power...
On Labor Day weekend, the highway patrol sets up spot-checks at random points on the freeways with the intention of deterring a large fraction of motorists from driving incorrectl...
Abstract. Loosely speaking, an interactive proof is said to be zeroknowledge if the view of every “efficient” verifier can be “efficiently” simulated. An outstanding open ...
A commitment protocol is a fundamental cryptographic primitive used as a basic buildingblock throughoutmodern cryptography. In STOC 1991, Dolev Dwork and Naor showed that in many ...
Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Yuval Ishai, Rafail Ostrovs...
In this paper we study randomized algorithms for circuit switching on multistage networks related to the butterfly. We devise algorithms that route messages by constructing circu...
Richard Cole, Bruce M. Maggs, Friedhelm Meyer auf ...
We introduce and study a modi ed notion of planarity, in which two regions of a map are considered adjacent when they share any point of their boundaries not an edge, as standard...
Zhi-Zhong Chen, Michelangelo Grigni, Christos H. P...