Military logistics concerns the activities required to support operational forces. It encompasses the storage and distribution of materiel, management of personnel and the provisio...
Guy Edward Gallasch, Nimrod Lilith, Jonathan Billi...
Protos is a popular tool for business process modelling used in more than 1500 organizations. It has a built-in Petri-net-based simulation engine which shows key performance indica...
Florian Gottschalk, Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Moniq...
Abstract. This paper shows how a formal method in the form of Coloured Petri Nets (CPNs) and the supporting CPN Tools have been used in the development of the Course of Action Sche...
Lars Michael Kristensen, Peter Mechlenborg, Lin Zh...
Abstract. Fast is a tool for the analysis of systems manipulating unbounded integer variables. We check safety properties by computing the reachability set of the system under stud...
We present ProB, a validation toolset for the B method. ProB's automated animation facilities allow users to gain confidence in their specifications. ProB also contains a mode...
Explicit model checking algorithms explore the full state space of a system. State spaces are usually treated as directed graphs without any specific features. We gather a large co...