This paper presents parallel algorithms for priority queue operations on a p-processor EREWPRAM. The algorithms are based on a new data structure, the Min-path Heap (MH), which is...
Abstract. In a decision tree model, (n log2 n m i=1 ni log2 ni + n) is known to be a lower bound for sorting a multiset of size n containing m distinct elements, where the ith dist...
The k-compaction problem arises when k out of n cells in an array are non-empty and the contents of these cells must be moved to the first k locations in the array. Parallel algori...
Faith E. Fich, Miroslaw Kowaluk, Krzysztof Lorys, ...
We obtain the rst NC algorithm for the low-diameter graph decomposition problem on arbitrary graphs. Our algorithm runs in O(log5 (n)) time, and uses O(n2) processors.
In PODS'91, Nurmi and Soisalon-Soininen presented a new type of binary search tree for databases, which they call a chromatic tree. The aim is to improve runtime performance ...