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This paper gives a CREW PRAM algorithm for the problem of finding lowest common ancestors in a forest under the insertion of leaves and roots and the deletion of leaves. For a fore...
Protocols which can tolerate any number of processors failing by ceasing operation for an unbounded number of steps and resuming operation (with or) without knowing that they were...
Abstract. Finding maximum independent sets in graphs with bounded maximum degree is a well-studied NP-complete problem. We introduce an algorithm schema for improving the approxim...
We present sequential and parallel algorithms for various embedding problems on bounded degree partial k-trees and k-connected partial k-trees these include subgraph isomorphism a...
We study the complexity of the dynamic partial sum problem in the cell-probe model. We give the model access to nondeterministic queries and prove that the problem remains hard. We...
We give linear-time algorithms for a class of parametric search problems on weighted graphs of bounded tree-width. We also discuss the implications of our results to approximate p...
Trapezoid graphs are a class of cocomparability graphs containing interval graphs and permutation graphs as subclasses. They were introduced by Dagan, Golumbic and Pinter DGP]. Th...
A graph is distance-hereditary if and only if each cycle on five or more vertices has at least two crossing chords. We present linear time algorithms for the minimum r-dominating c...
We present improved competitive on-line algorithms for the page replication problem and concentrate on important network topologies for which algorithms with a constant competitiv...