We improve, by using register machines, some existing universality results for specific models of P systems. P systems with membrane creation are known to generate all recursivel...
Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Agustin Riscos-N&ua...
The paper presents a new reinforcement learning mechanism for spiking neural networks. The algorithm is derived for networks of stochastic integrate-and-fire neurons, but it can ...
— A framework that describes the evolution of P systems with bounded parallelism is defined by introducing basic formal features that can be then integrated into a structural op...
The aim of this work is to analyze the applicability of crowding differential evolution to unsupervised clustering. The basic idea of this approach, interpreting the clustering pr...
Business process modeling is an important phase during requirements collection. Usually functional, dynamic and role models are needed. We propose to integrate Role Activity Diagr...
Costin Badica, Maria Teodorescu, Cosmin Spahiu, Am...
Abstract. This paper is a first step towards a systematic evaluation of the possibilities to use membrane computing as a modeling framework for economics. Membrane computing is a ...
Code duplication is a common problem, and a wellknown sign of bad design. As a result of that, in the last decade, the issue of detecting code duplication led to various solutions...