Instruction scheduling is a necessary step in compiling for many modern microprocessors. Traditionally, global instruction scheduling techniques have outperformed local techniques....
The Counterflow Pipeline (CFP) organization may be a good target for synthesis of application-specific microprocessors for embedded systems because it has a regular and simple str...
: During the latter stages of a software product cycle, developers may be faced with the task of fine-tuning an embedded system that is not meeting all of its timing requirements. ...
There is an emerging class of real-time interactive applications that require the dynamic integration of task and data parallelism. An example is the Smart Kiosk, a free-standing ...
James M. Rehg, Kathleen Knobe, Umakishore Ramachan...
Abstract. Modern dialects of Fortran enjoy wide use and good support on highperformance computers as performance-oriented programming languages. By providing the ability to express...
Abstract. Distributedobject middleware, suchas CORBA, hides systemand network-speci c characteristics of objects behind functional interface speci cations. This simpli es developme...
Joseph P. Loyall, David E. Bakken, Richard E. Scha...
Programs accessing disk-resident arrays, called out-of-core programs, perform poorly in general due to an excessive number of I/O calls and insufficient help from compilers. In ord...
Mahmut T. Kandemir, Alok N. Choudhary, J. Ramanuja...
Because irregular applications have unpredictable memory access patterns, their performance is dominated by memory behavior. The Impulse con gurable memory controller will enable s...
John B. Carter, Wilson C. Hsieh, Mark R. Swanson, ...
Abstract. This paper gives an overview of locality enhancement techniques used by the Jasmine compiler, currently under development at the University of Toronto. These techniques e...
Tarek S. Abdelrahman, Naraig Manjikian, Gary Liu, ...