
81views more  FSS 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
QL-implications: Some properties and intersections
In this paper, we attempt a systematic study of QL-implications. Towards this end, firstly, we investigate the conditions under which a QL-operation becomes a fuzzy implication w...
Michal Baczynski, Balasubramaniam Jayaram
69views more  RSA 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Local resilience of graphs
: In this article, we initiate a systematic study of graph resilience. The (local) resilience of a graph G with respect to a property P measures how much one has to change G (local...
Benny Sudakov, Van H. Vu
107views Communications» more  ITA 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
On Varieties of Literally Idempotent Languages
A language L A is literally idempotent in case that ua2 v L if and only if uav L, for each u, v A , a A. Varieties of literally idempotent languages result naturally by taking...
Ondrej Klíma, Libor Polák
70views more  IJFCS 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
The Computational Complexity of Avoiding Forbidden Submatrices by Row Deletions
We initiate a systematic study of the Row Deletion(B) problem on matrices: Given an input matrix A and a fixed "forbidden submatrix" B, the task is to remove a minimum n...
Sebastian Wernicke, Jochen Alber, Jens Gramm, Jion...
14 years 8 months ago
How Well Can Simple Metrics Represent the Performance of HPC Applications?
In this paper, a systematic study of the effects of complexity of prediction methodology on its accuracy for a set of real applications on a variety of HPC systems is performed. R...
Laura Carrington, Michael Laurenzano, Allan Snavel...