Abstract. Weakly-typed languages such as Cobol often force programrepresent distinct data abstractions using the same low-level physical type. In this paper, we describe a techniqu...
Abstract. We present the FocusCheck model-checking tool for the verification and easy debugging of assertion violations in sequential C programs. The main functionalities of the t...
Curtis W. Keller, Diptikalyan Saha, Samik Basu, Sc...
Transformations using retiming and resynthesis operations are the most important and practical (if not the only) techniques used in optimizing synchronous hardware systems. Althoug...
This paper addresses the problem of generating symbolic test cases for testing the conformance of a black-box implementation with respect to a specification, in the context of rea...
ion Himanshu Jain1,2 , Franjo Ivanˇci´c1 , Aarti Gupta1 , and Malay K. Ganai1 1 NEC Laboratories America, Inc., 4 Independence Way, Princeton, NJ 08540 2 School of Computer Scien...
Himanshu Jain, Franjo Ivancic, Aarti Gupta, Malay ...
Abstract. Symmetry reduction is a technique to combat the state explosion problem in temporal logic model checking. Its use with symbolic representation has suffered from the proh...
Abstract. The automatic synthesis of programs from their specifications has been a dream of many researchers for decades. If we restrict to open finite-state reactive systems, th...
We present MC2 , what we believe to be the first randomized, Monte Carlo algorithm for temporal-logic model checking, the classical problem of deciding whether or not a property s...
Abstract. A Java-based tool-supported software development and analysis framework is presented, where monitoring is a foundational principle. Expressive requirements specification...