People are able to determine whether or not a given document is interesting just by glancing through it. However, when asked to make explicit the rules upon which such a decision ...
Recently the awareness of the importance of replicating studies has been growing in the empirical software engineering community. The results of any one study cannot simply be ext...
Forrest Shull, Victor R. Basili, Jeffrey Carver, J...
Knowledge is key to sustainable competitive advantage, but different kinds of knowledge affect competitive advantage differently. This applies especially to the environment of inc...
Alicemary Aspell Adams, June G. Chin Yi Lee, Mark ...
The transfer of tacit knowledge is important in ensuring that an organisations most valuable assets do not walk out the door. While much controversy surrounds the definition of ta...
Our research seeks to understand how to extend established organization theory and emerging knowledgeflow theory to inform the design of organizations with discontinuous participa...
The most popular unit of work in organizations is a project. Managing knowledge in and about projects is salient for successful project management. Explicit knowledge is easier to...
Informal conversations occur all day long among employees. These conversations allow employees to share experience such as innovative ideas for performing a task. Internalizing th...
Lori Baker-Eveleth, Suprateek Sarker, Daniel M. Ev...
Work processes are conducted in various contexts and they involve different tasks, interruptions, activities and actions. In all of these, tacit knowledge plays a part. Some part ...
The goal of this research is to provide a means by which the tacit knowledge in an e-mail archive can be browsed in an organized manner and linked directly to the explicit knowled...
Zhixin Chen, Michael A. Shepherd, Syed Sibte Raza ...
Abstract. As the volumes of software development increase and the cost reduction is required, most Japanese IT companies are interested in offshore software outsourcing. Although a...