Tag clouds have become a frequently used interaction technique in the web. Recently several approaches to present tag clouds with the tags semantically clustered have been propose...
Johann Schrammel, Michael Leitner, Manfred Tscheli...
RFID has been gaining popularity for inventory control, object tracking, and supply chain management in warehouses, retail stores, hospitals, etc. Periodically and automatically es...
—Social Tagging is the process by which many users add metadata in the form of keywords, to annotate and categorize items (songs, pictures, web links, products, etc.). Social tag...
Social tagging on online portals has become a trend now. It has emerged as one of the best ways of associating metadata with web objects. With the increase in the kinds of web obj...
Most approaches to classifying media content assume a fixed, closed vocabulary of labels. In contrast, we advocate machine learning approaches which take advantage of the millions...
Abstract In this paper we present an automatic photo tag expansion method designed for photo sharing websites. The purpose of the method is to suggest tags that are relevant to the...
Sare Gul Sevil, Onur Kucuktunc, Pinar Duygulu, Faz...
Taxonomy construction is a resource-demanding, top down, and time consuming effort. It does not always cater for the prevailing context of the captured information. This paper pro...
Eric Tsui, W. M. Wang, Chi Fai Cheung, Adela S. M....
Strain measurement is a quantity used for assessing the regional function of the left ventricular (LV) of the heart. They are computed by tracking the motion of the non-invasive, ...
Recommender Systems (RS) aim at predicting items or ratings of items that the user are interested in. Collaborative Filtering (CF) algorithms such as user- and item-based methods ...
Karen H. L. Tso-Sutter, Leandro Balby Marinho, Lar...
Online communities like Flickr, del.icio.us and YouTube have established themselves as very popular and powerful services for publishing and searching contents, but also for ident...
Tom Crecelius, Mouna Kacimi, Sebastian Michel, Tho...