Annotated corpora are valuable resources for NLP which are often costly to create. We introduce a method for transferring annotation from a morphologically annotated corpus of a so...
A number of natural models for learning in the limit is introduced to deal with the situation when a learner is required to provide a grammar covering the input even if only a par...
We have developed and successfully applied a technique to build a high integrity compiler from Pasp, a Pascal-like language, to Asp, the target language for a high integrity proce...
Abstract. Algebraic compilers provide a powerful and convenient mechanism for specifying language translators. With each source language operation one associates a computation for ...
In this paper, we present the concept for collaborative translation, where two non-bilingual people who use different languages collaborate to perform the task of translation usin...
Translating documents from a source to a target language is a repetitive activity. The attempt to automate such a difficult task has been a long-term scientific dream. Among the...
Federica Mandreoli, Riccardo Martoglia, Paolo Tibe...
An Active Context-Free Game is a game with two players (Romeo and Juliet) on strings over a finite alphabet. In each move, Juliet selects a position of the current word and Romeo ...
For natural translations, a human being does not express predicates that are inferable from the context in a target language. This paper proposes a method of machine translation w...
As a value flows across the boundary between interoperating languages, it must be checked and converted to fit the types and representations of the target language. For simple f...
Kathryn E. Gray, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Fla...
In this article we present GenI, a chart based surface realisation tool implemented in Haskell. GenI takes as input a set of first order terms (the input semantics) and a grammar...