
13 years 4 months ago
Game Bot Detection via Avatar Trajectory Analysis
The objective of this work is to automatically detect the use of game bots in online games based on the trajectories of account users. Online gaming has become one of the most popu...
Hsing-Kuo Pao, Kuan-Ta Chen, Hong-Chung Chang
13 years 4 months ago
Controlled Procedural Terrain Generation Using Software Agents
Procedural terrain generation is used to create landforms for applications such as computer games and flight simulators. While most of the existing work has concentrated on algori...
Jonathon Doran, Ian Parberry
13 years 4 months ago
Combining UCT and Nested Monte Carlo Search for Single-Player General Game Playing
Monte-Carlo tree search has recently been very successful for game playing particularly for games where the evaluation of a state is difficult to compute, such as Go or General Gam...
Jean Méhat, Tristan Cazenave
13 years 4 months ago
Learning to Drive in the Open Racing Car Simulator Using Online Neuroevolution
In this paper, we applied online neuroevolution to evolve nonplayer characters for The Open Racing Car Simulator (TORCS). While previous approaches allowed online learning with per...
Luigi Cardamone, Daniele Loiacono, Pier Luca Lanzi
13 years 4 months ago
The Design of Puzzle Selection Strategies for ESP-Like GWAP Systems
The `Games With A Purpose' (GWAP) genre is a type of `Human Computation' that outsources certain steps of the computational process to humans. Although most GWAP studies ...
Ling-Jyh Chen, Bo-Chun Wang, Wen-Yuan Zhu
13 years 4 months ago
Current Frontiers in Computer Go
This paper presents the recent technical advances in Monte-Carlo Tree Search for the Game of Go, shows the many similarities and the rare differences between the current best progr...
Arpad Rimmel, Olivier Teytaud, Chang-Shing Lee, Sh...
13 years 4 months ago
The Parametrized Probabilistic Finite-State Transducer Probe Game Player Fingerprint Model
Abstract--Fingerprinting operators generate functional signatures of game players and are useful for their automated analysis independent of representation or encoding. The theory ...
Jeffrey Tsang
13 years 4 months ago
Evolutionary Game Design
It is easy to create new combinatorial games but more difficult to predict those that will interest human players. We examine the concept of game quality, its automated measurement...
Cameron Browne, Frédéric Maire
13 years 4 months ago
Modeling Player Experience for Content Creation
In this paper, we use computational intelligence techniques to built quantitative models of player experience for a platform game. The models accurately predict certain key affecti...
Christopher Pedersen, Julian Togelius, Georgios N....