Abstract— Network calculus is an established theory for deterministic quality of service analysis of fixed networks. Due to the failures inherent in fading channels it is, howev...
Abstract— Precoding with block diagonalization is an attractive approach for approaching sum capacity in multiuser MIMO (multiple input multiple output) broadcast channels. This ...
Seijoon Shim, Chan-Byoung Chae, Robert W. Heath Jr...
—Several dynamic call admission control (CAC) schemes for cellular networks have been proposed in the literature to reserve resources adaptively to provide the desired quality of...
Abstract— The path and antenna correlations significantly degrade the system capacity in spatially-multiplexed multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency-divisio...
—In this paper, a user-aided adaptive TDMA (UAAT) algorithm is developed for real-time services to improve the system efficiency of OFDM based cellular networks. In the UAAT sche...
— At the forefront of the recent advances in mobile networks is the development of sophisticated mobility management mechanisms that are usually based on Mobile IP and its deriva...
Abstract— In many scenarios the commonly assumed symmetry in multiple relay channels is unrealistic. Therefore, this paper, through analytical and simulation efforts, investigate...
— With the growth of mobile users and the increasing deployment of wireless access network infrastructures, the issue of quality of service is becoming an important component of ...
Mohammad Masud Hasan, Xiaodong Huang, Jason P. Jue