Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), also known as data mining, focuses on the computerized exploration of large amounts of data and on the discovery of interesting patterns wi...
Text mining concerns applying data mining techniques to unstructured text. Information extraction (IE) is a form of shallow text understanding that locates specific pieces of data...
Understanding rework, the causes of rework, and the relationship between issues, decisions and the associated actions, is crucial in minimizing the fundamental industrial problems ...
Caroline Chibelushi, Bernadette Sharp, Andy Salter
This paper describes the design, implementation and population of a lexical resource for biology and bioinformatics (the BioLexicon) developed within an ongoing European project. ...
Valeria Quochi, Monica Monachini, Riccardo Del Gra...
In this paper, we present the main features of a text mining based search engine for the UK Educational Evidence Portal available at the UK National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM...
Sophia Ananiadou, John McNaught, James Thomas, Mar...
We present D-HOTM, a framework for Distributed Higher Order Text Mining based on named entities extracted from textual data that are stored in distributed relational databases. Unl...
In this paper we address the problem of extracting important (and unimportant) discourse patterns from call center conversations. Call centers provide dialog based calling-in supp...
Anup Chalamalla, Sumit Negi, L. Venkata Subramania...
Linking the biomedical literature to other data resources is notoriously difficult and requires text mining. Text mining aims to automatically extract facts from literature. Since ...
This paper details the participation of the XLDB group from the University of Lisbon at the GeoCLEF task of CLEF 2006. We tested text mining methods that make use of an ontology t...
Bruno Martins, Nuno Cardoso, Marcirio Silveira Cha...
We present a lightweight, user-centred approach for document navigation and analysis that is based on an ontology of text mining results. This allows us to bring the result of exis...