
71views more  COGSCI 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Spanning seven orders of magnitude: a challenge for cognitive modeling
Much of cognitive psychology focuses on effects measured in tens of milliseconds while significant educational outcomes take tens of hours to achieve. The task of bridging this ga...
John R. Anderson
84views more  4OR 2004»
14 years 3 months ago
Non-classical preference models in combinatorial problems: Models and algorithms for graphs
This is a summary of the most important results presented in the author's PhD thesis (Spanjaard, 2003). This thesis, written in French, was defended on 16 December 2003 and su...
Olivier Spanjaard
57views more  4OR 2004»
14 years 3 months ago
The generation of stable project plans
This text summarises the PhD thesis that Roel Leus presented to obtain the degree of Doctor in Applied Economics at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, in September 2003. The promo...
Roel Leus
72views more  CSDA 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Generalized theory of uncertainty (GTU) - principal concepts and ideas
Uncertainty is an attribute of information. The path-breaking work of Shannon has led to a universal acceptance of the thesis that information is statistical in nature. Concomitan...
Lotfi A. Zadeh
79views more  AMC 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Church's thesis meets the N-body problem
``Church's thesis'' is at the foundation of computer science. We point out that with any particular set of physical laws, Church's thesis need not merely be po...
Warren D. Smith
72views more  COGSCI 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
The Tractable Cognition Thesis
The recognition that human minds/brains are finite systems with limited resources for computation has led some researchers to advance the Tractable Cognition thesis: Human cogniti...
Iris van Rooij
56views more  4OR 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Exact and approximate resolution of integral multiflow and multicut problems: algorithms and complexity
This is a summary of the author's PhD thesis supervised by Marie-Christine Costa and Fr
Cédric Bentz
14 years 5 months ago
The Church-Turing Thesis over Arbitrary Domains
The Church-Turing Thesis has been the subject of many variations and interpretations over the years. Specifically, there are versions that refer only to functions over the natural ...
Udi Boker, Nachum Dershowitz