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Abstract. In the 2nd Annual FOCS (1961), Chao-Kong Chow proved that every Boolean threshold function is uniquely determined by its degree-0 and degree-1 Fourier coefficients. These...
Consider the following one-player game. The vertices of a random graph on n vertices are revealed to the player one by one. In each step, also all edges connecting the newly reveal...
The use of multilayer perceptrons (MLP) with threshold functions (binary step function activations) greatly reduces the complexity of the hardware implementation of neural networks...
Vassilis P. Plagianakos, George D. Magoulas, Micha...
Weighted threshold functions with positive weights are a natural generalization of unweighted threshold functions. These functions are clearly monotone. However, the naive way of ...
In recent work, Kalai, Klivans, Mansour, and Servedio [KKMS05] studied a variant of the "Low-Degree (Fourier) Algorithm" for learning under the uniform probability distr...
Scaling is currently the most popular technique used to improve performance metrics of CMOS circuits. This cannot go on forever because the properties that are responsible for the ...
We study the learnability of Threshold functions with bounded weights using membership queries only. We show that the class Ct of Threshold functions with positive integer weights...
Elias Abboud, Nader Agha, Nader H. Bshouty, Nizar ...
In the paper a new approach to building a MOS threshold element and an arti cial neuron on its base is discussed. The implementability of the known MOS threshold elements is restri...
We prove two main results on how arbitrary linear threshold functions f(x) = sign(w · x − θ) over the n-dimensional Boolean hypercube can be approximated by simple threshold f...