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We analyze a simple and natural on-line algorithm (dispatch policy) for a dynamic multiperiod uncapacitated routing problem, in which at the beginning of each time period a set of...
Enrico Angelelli, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh, Maria ...
Under traditional cointegration tests, some eligible I(1) time series systems Xt, that are not cointegrated over a given time period, say (0, T1], sometimes test as cointegrated ov...
We present evidence that, in some research fields, research published in journals and reported on the Web may collectively represent different evolutionary stages of the field wit...
We study a model that incorporates a budget constraint in a decision making problem. Our goal is to maximize the expected wealth, where in each time period we can either stop the ...
In a sequential Bayesian ranking and selection problem with independent normal populations and common known variance, we study a previously introduced measurement policy which we ...
A sensor is a battery-operated small computer with an antenna and a sensing board that can sense magnetism, sound, heat, etc. Sensors in a network can use their antennas to communi...
To ensure space flight safety, it is necessary to monitor myriad sensor readings on the ground and in flight. Since a space shuttle has many sensors, monitoring data and drawing c...
Charles Lee, Darrin M. Hanna, Richard E. Haskell, ...
We develop a framework for specifying and reasoning about policies for sharing resources in coalitions, focussing here on a particular, common type of contract in which coalition ...
Babak Sadighi Firozabadi, Marek J. Sergot, Anna Ci...
In this paper we propose a new strong and perfectly key-insulated signature scheme, more efficient than previous proposals and whose key length is constant and independent of the n...
Abstract— This paper presents the use of a newly created network structure known as a Self-Delaying Dynamic Network (SDN). The SDNs were created to process data which varies with...