Abstract. The paper presents a partial order reduction method applicable to networks of timed automata. The advantage of the method is that it reduces both the number of explored c...
For wireless channels, interference mitigation techniques are typically applied at the packet transmission level. In this paper, we present the Havana Framework for supporting int...
Javier Gomez, Andrew T. Campbell, Hiroyuki Morikaw...
SNMP statistics are usually collected over intervals of 5 minutes and correspond to average activity of IP links and network elements for the duration of the interval. Nevertheles...
Konstantina Papagiannaki, Rene L. Cruz, Christophe...
Abstract— We consider a multi-class queueing system operating under the Discriminatory Processor-Sharing (DPS) discipline. The DPS discipline provides a natural approach for mode...
— Molecular Dynamics (MD) is an important atomistic simulation technique, with widespread use in computational chemistry, biology, and materials. An important limitation of MD is...