—Top-k query has long been an important topic in many fields of computer science. Efficient implementation of the top-k queries is the key for information searching. With the n...
Hongbo Jiang, Jie Cheng, Dan Wang, Chonggang Wang,...
In this paper we present the Threshold Join Algorithm (TJA), which is an efficient TOP-k query processing algorithm for distributed sensor networks. The objective of a top-k query...
In many applications, users specify target values for certain attributes, without requiring exact matches to these values in return. Instead, the result to such queries is typical...
Motivated by many applications, top-k query is a fundamental operation in modern database systems. Technological advances have enabled the deployment of large-scale sensor networks...
A top-k query retrieves the k highest scoring tuples from a data set with respect to a scoring function defined on the attributes of a tuple. The efficient evaluation of top-k q...
Gautam Das, Dimitrios Gunopulos, Nick Koudas, Niko...
In an uncertain data set S = (S, p, f) where S is the ground set consisting of n elements, p : S → [0, 1] a probability function, and f : S → R a score function, each element i...
: Distributed top-k query processing is increasingly becoming an essential functionality in a large number of emerging application classes. This paper addresses the efficient alge...
Given a dataset P and a preference function f, a top-k query retrieves the k tuples in P with the highest scores according to f. Even though the problem is well-studied in convent...
Given a record set D and a query score function F, a top-k query returns k records from D, whose values of function F on their attributes are the highest. In this paper, we investi...