: In this paper we examine the interactions between the topology of certain linearly ordered topological spaces (LOTS) and the properties of trees in whose branch spaces they embed...
Let A be a topological space which is not finitely generated and CH(A) denote the coreflective hull of A in Top. We construct a generator of the coreflective subcategory SCH(A) con...
Inthis article westudy the fundamental category (Goubault and Raussen, 2002 Goubault, 2002) of a partially ordered topological space (Nachbin, 1965 Johnstone, 1982), as arising in ...
For a complete lattice V which, as a category, is monoidal closed, and for a suitable Setmonad T we consider (T, V)-algebras and introduce (T, V)-proalgebras, in generalization of...
Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann, Walter Thol...
Dynamic Topological Logic provides a context for studying the confluence of the topological semantics for S4, based on topological spaces rather than Kripke frames; topological dy...
We present some general results concerning the topological space of cuts of a countable model of arithmetic given by a particular indicator Y . The notion of `indicator' is d...
Abstract Let L be a propositional language with standard Boolean connectives plus two modalities: an S4-ish topological modality and a temporal modality , understood as `next'...
I modify the standard coverage construction of the reals to obtain the irrationals. However, this causes a jump in ordinal complexity from ω + 1 to Ω. The coverage technique ha...
A topological space is Noetherian iff every open is compact. Our starting point is that this notion generalizes that of well-quasi order, in the sense that an Alexandroff-discrete...