We consider the problem of balancing the load among m service-providing facilities, while keeping the total cost low. Let R be the underlying demand region, and let p1, . . . , pm...
For decades now, the notion of “performance” has been synonymous with “speed” (as measured in FLOPS, short for floating-point operations per second). Unfortunately, this ...
This paper studies the system parameters that affect the total cost of managing the multicast group on a router. A Petri net model is first proposed to describe the states and tra...
Yongjun Li, Wenhui Zhou, James Zijun Wang, Deyu Qi
We study replacement algorithms for non-uniform access caches that are used in distributed storage systems. Considering access latencies as major costs of data management in such a...
—We consider the problem of designing a network which minimizes the total cost of the switching facilities and the fiber links, by choosing the subset of nodes at which to insta...
As the cost of both hardware and software falls due to technological advancements and economies of scale, the cost of ownership for database applications is increasingly dominated...