
97views more  TON 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Gradually reconfiguring virtual network topologies based on estimated traffic matrices
Traffic matrix, which is required as an input of traffic engineering (TE) methods, is difficult to be obtained directly. One possible approach to obtaining the traffic matrix is to...
Yuichi Ohsita, Takashi Miyamura, Shin'ichi Arakawa...
129views Hardware» more  SIGMETRICS 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
From traffic matrix to routing matrix: PoP level traffic characteristics for a Tier-1 ISP
Traffic matrices play a pivotal role in the management of an ISP's network such as various levels of traffic engineering and capacity planning. However, it is unclear how the...
Vijay Kumar Adhikari, Sourabh Jain, Zhi-Li Zhang
14 years 1 months ago
Routing and Spectrum Allocation in OFDM-Based Optical Networks with Elastic Bandwidth Allocation
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has been recently proposed as a modulation technique for optical networks, due to its good spectral efficiency and impairment tole...
Kostas Christodoulopoulos, Ioannis Tomkos, Emmanou...
129views more  CCR 2005»
14 years 3 months ago
The problem of synthetically generating IP traffic matrices: initial recommendations
There exist a wide variety of network design problems that require a traffic matrix as input in order to carry out performance evaluation. The research community has not had at it...
Antonio Nucci, Ashwin Sridharan, Nina Taft
63views more  MOR 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Domination Between Traffic Matrices
A traffic matrix D1 dominates a traffic matrix D2 if D2 can be routed on every (capacitated) network where D1 can be routed. We prove that D1 dominates D2 if and only if D1 , cons...
Gianpaolo Oriolo
14 years 5 months ago
OpenTM: Traffic Matrix Estimator for OpenFlow Networks
Abstract. In this paper we present OpenTM, a traffic matrix estimation system for OpenFlow networks. OpenTM uses built-in features provided in OpenFlow switches to directly and acc...
Amin Tootoonchian, Monia Ghobadi, Yashar Ganjali