KURE is a Haskell hosted Domain Specific Language (DSL) for writing transformation systems based on rewrite strategies. When writing transformation systems, a significant amount of...
Graphs and graph transformation systems are a frequently used modelling technique for a wide range of different domains, covering areas as diverse as refactorings, network topolog...
Transformation systems such as Stratego/XT provide powerful analysis and transformation frameworks and concise languages for language processing, but instantiating them for every ...
Abstract Subobject transformation systems (sts) are proposed as a novel formal framework for the analysis of derivations of transformation systems based on the algebraic, double-pu...
Program transformation systems provide one means of formally deriving a program from its speci cation. The main advantage of this development method is that the executable program...
Software maintenance costs dominate software engineering costs, partly because most such engineering is done manually. Program Transformation tools leverage an engineer-provided b...